Friday, June 28, 2013

Ready set vacation!!

So I have been ordering vacation guides for a couple of weeks......   I think I should tip my mail lady!

Husband is out washing and fueling up the car for our early start I better get back to packing.....

Oh,  I got a positive  OPK today!   Whoo hoo!! 

I love birthdays!

My birthday isn't until the 6th but since we will be on vacation this daycare family brought it early!  I have also already got a card from MIL and husband bought me NKOTB tickets in Feb "for my birthday"

I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY.....even if I have to turn 29. :)

censors and sparkles

Last night I went to get my nails done.  I get my nails done bc I have the worlds worst nails. :(   They are paper thin and never grow.  Even my prenatal vitamins haven't helped. Boo.  So I pay for them and I am happy.  I get them cut so short it drives my nail guy nuts and even after 13 years I still have to ask him to cut them down each time.   

For years I got clear tips and left them unpainted, but in the last year I have decided that I only have two years before I am 30 and I have a fun job so I should have 'fun' nails too!  I wanted the silver glitter tips for vacation, but I didn't have time for new tips so this is what I got.  Not awesome.....but not terrible.  Hey it's fun, so happy vacation nails to me! 

Vacation glitter nails
what I was going for....
After my nail appt I had to go to the library to print out vacation directions and such.  After Google-ing (my husband hates when I use Google as a verb) to find the website for our cabin in WY and having NO luck no matter what I search I finally typed in the phone number....found it.   Can't access the page bc of filters......reason: Weapons (it is also an outfitter company)  Come on  REALLY?  Oh well we were going to  buy a GPS for this trip anyway...

Today I have lots to do at work to get Mom all set up for next week without me and it will be a packing party at my house tonight.  Oh, and one more trip to the store. I am completely out of conditioner....went to get a new one this morning and I have three shampoos and no did that happen ? We leave 6AM tomorrow morning!!!  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The cootie ban has lifted.

I have had a terrible head cold for the last week.    It has just been hanging on and producing more snot then I thought humanly possible.

My husband normally keeps his distance when I am sick but this time we put an all out ban on kissing and most contact....I do NOT want him to catch this nasty cold and have to be miserable on vacation!

Our only slip up was the other night in the mall.  We were going to different stores (bc my husband is NOT allowed near me while I have to shop for clothes!) we kissed goodbye and he immediately started acting like he had poison in his mouth....I am sure anyone looking thought he hated me ;)

.....we did have to get some FW sex in the other night but I was mostly better by then.

Speaking of TTC I am CD 15 now and still no O.  OPK this morning super light, but so was the control....I don't hold it very long bc I had EWCM this morning an I wanted to check.  I think I have been getting EWCM the day before O so I am hoping for tomorrow!   We always miss the days with EWCM and I have convinced myself this is why we haven't gotten KTFU yet, so I hope it lasts until tonight!!

In vacation planning news Husband went vacation grocery shopping last night.  I was going to go with but I had taken the kids to the pool and in his words was a 'hot mess'.  He was right and I was happy to make the list and send him off I always buy too much.   He did perfect and it is one more thing I don't have to do!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Pot Roast Bribe

This morning I put a pot roast in the crock pot and when I got to work and was patting myself on the back for already having dinner done....I remembered, we wouldn't be home for dinner.  UGH!!   I called my Mom and told her I would trade her a pot roast dinner for her to work the last two hours of the day so we could get a head start on our vacation shopping.  My Mother will NEVER turn down someone else cooking dinner.  I moved up my pedicure appt and told the husband to take off early!

So I got off early and went for my pedicure. YAY!  I love getting my toes done!  ....but this was a terrible pedicure.  

I had a gift card for a salon in town. There was the usual trimming (and making me bleed) and filing and a sugar scrub....but that was it.   No leg massage. No hot stones. No lotion.....really no lotion at a pedicure?   She spent a lot of time on my heals and I was excited about that ...until she started sanding around my toes!!   She didn't even take my squirming as a cue that " Hey Lady!! the sandpaper isn't for my toes!!" Yikes!  This morning my heals are raw :( When she painted my toes it very well might have been the first time she had ever painted toes.  I think I will stick with my nail salon.

All complaining toes are painted and I didn't have to do it so it was a success and I am it was a gift so that's double awesome!

We also went to Des Moines last night (about 45 minute drive) Husband needed to pre-bowl for his league he will miss while we are on vacation and I desperately needed to shop for bras and jeans.  I have been putting off shopping for so long I was down to just one bra and one pair of jean capris.  Not enough for vacation even with a laundry stop.   I went grocery shopping for daycare food while he bowled and then of to the mall we went.

I started at JC Penny bc VS just doesn't cut it for my ginormous boobs anymore :(   I found three that I liked and bought three of each.  Hey, when you have been down to ONE bra for going on six stock up!

I ran to three other stores for pants and struck out.  On the way out of the mall I spotted a few at JC Penny and one pair was just the ticket.  I had to go up a size, and the sucks, but I needed them and we are going to focus on changing that when we get back from vacation!

A stop for the best Gyros ever and MIL's house and we got home just in time for bed.

TTGPR:  CD 14 and no sign of O.  Last month it was 14 but before that it had been just around the corner either way...hopefully.   MY BBT has been the same for the last three days ...hmmm

...I downloaded an app so I can add pics from my phone so hopefully I will be adding pictures to future posts!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Count down to Vacation!! 4 days!


4 days until we pack up the car and head WEST!  

Day 1 So far the plan is to leave bright and early Saturday morning drive to Rapid City SD and stay the night.   We have a short stop planned in 1880's town on the way to stretch our legs, but most of the day will be spend driving.  I love road trips with my husband and I am really looking forward to this time in the car with my love.

Day 2 will be driving through the Black Hills and making our way to a cabin in Buffalo WY.  It is going to be super cute even if it doesn't have a shower!  PS did you know it sill costs  $140 for a cabin with no shower....that was annoying.

Day 3 will be a morning horse back ride in the mountains and driving to Cody WY.

Day 4 and 5 we will be staying in Cody for two days.  We stayed one night our last trip and saw Old Trail Town, this time we will check out the Wild Bill museums and they are having a July 4th Celebration so there will be other activities to see!  I will also use this stay to do some laundry.  I actually really like to do laundry so it doesn't bother me to do it on vacation, and it means packing less!!  

Day 6 is driving through Yellostone and/or Grand Teton ...this is also where the 'plan' stops. There are no reservations after Cody.   My sister-in-laws family is in Utah and we plan to stop and visit them (SIL, BIL and niece happen to be visiting her family at the same time we will be in Utah)   There is an AMAMZING place for breakfast we will have to stop at, but then  we are going to 'wing it' on the way home.

Day 7-9 ?????   Park City UT ??  and driving home.....

Lots to do to get read!! !

Monday, June 24, 2013

Our TTC journey so far.

Our TTC journey so far.

I started prenatal vitamins and my husband started a multi vitamin in September 2012.  We were married in early December 2012.  I had been using NuvaRing for about 1.5 years so when my November ring came out I didn't start another.  According to OPKs I O'ed about ten days after our wedding. Exciting stuff!

Cycle #2 was  uneventful I used OPKs but no temping.

Cycle #3 I drank green tea for the first time and had " Attack of the EWCM"

Cycle #4,5 I cut back on the tea, and kept up with OPKs I was getting a clear positives and was getting my period 12 days after so I still wasn't ready to start temping, I felt like it confirmed 'O'

Cycle #6  I temped, saw a clear shift, but my BBT is annoying!! It beeps every 5 seconds for over a minute.....reminds me I STILL need to get a new one!

Cycle #7 We took off from temping OPKs, the bump, everything. I had house guests and was really needing a break from all the crazy TTC was making me.  It was surprisingly easy to 'forget' about it all for a month.

Cycle #8 I jumped back in and we didn't have great timing bc of a surprise O on CD 14 ( it had been CD16-18)  we only had o-2 timing and I wasn't hopeful ....until.....I got the sorest boobs in sore town and my period was TWO days 'late'  my LP had been 12 days all 7 previous cycles....but at last AF did come.

...and here we are Cycle #9   I posted this:

I have been feeling better since I posted this but I see days like this creeping up on me from time to time so I started this blog.  I enjoy reading blogs I find on The Bump so hopefully some of you will find mine and enjoy it too!   We are leaving on a 9 DAY ROAD TRIP ( South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, back to Iowa)  this Saturday so I will have fun stuff to talk about !!

About Us.

A little about my husband and I.

I am 28 and I have a daycare with my Mother.   We own a separate house that is used for only daycare, we take 6 wks to 12 years and have been open for 9 years.  Children are my passion and I am eager to finally have one of my own.  I love to cook, sew, knit, and make photo books.  I was born to be a homemaker and hopefully it all works out for me to stay-at-home after we start our family.  

My husband works in design/engineering/electronics.  He has a hundred hobbies...currently obsessing over slingshots, and where to find more 9mm ammo....
He is much more calm than I am and helps me slow down when I get wound too tight.

We on and our first date was sushi for lunch.  We were married two years to the day/hour later.  It was 72 degrees in December in IOWA! We skipped the beginning of out tiny reception (only 12 family members) to sneak away and have sushi at the same table we first met at!  

Blog named explained

Whenever my husband or I hear the questions, " when are you going to have kids?", " Do you want to have kids someday?" " how many kids do you want?"  We always answer the same way.

-"We are going to have five named Olivia, Oliver, Owen, Ophelia, and Olive"

People are always shocked to hear me rattle my matchy-matchy 'O' names off so fast they don't know if I am joking or not.....truth is we aren't sure if we are or not either.

Five kids would be fine with both of us, but who knows if we would get the right combo of genders to make our names work?  Then there is the small fact that my husband hates the name Ophelia and says she will get called "Oh-I'll-Feel-ya"  in middle school....not cool, kids are mean.  AND Mr's best friend has a kid named Owen and that would us lame if we copied.

So as I struggled to find a name for my TTC blog I thought what better title for a blog about my future family then future family...haha.

Being serious we will probably use Olivia or Oliver for our first child and who knows after that.

So here it is my blog about TTC, my husband, hobbies and anything else I can talk about to keep my mind off of trying for Olivia, Oliver, Owen, Ophelia, and Olive!